Monday, December 28, 2009

Desert Terrain

okay, so I sold some razorwire to a client from Bartertown, as we emailed back and forth he indicated that he had a desert themed gaming table and that he wanted some hills, etc. He showed me some hills he was looking at on ebay and I told him I could do them for him for trade.

[Desert Hills set, with razorwire set]

[Razor wire with my marines for scale]

I made some razorwire to match the desert terrain, and made the hills to his specs. He preferred the strait-sided hills instead of a beveled edge, he also declined to have them based (I usually use MDF it makes the foam heavier and thereby more stable, as well as protects it to a degree).

So the customer and I began chatting about some other terrain features he might like me to make, and I came up with a few.

Here is an oasis, using some water effect.

[Oasis and butte]

[A refinery of some sort]

[Butte set 1]

[butte set 2]

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I posted some razorwire on Bartertown and Rogue Market "for sale / Trade" I call this my X-style razorwire due to the support beams crossing one another. I dont think its necessarily how razorwire has ever been used on the battlefield, but it makes for a strong base to hold the razorwire, which is just held on with tension between the coils and the X frames.

Closeup of some of my Emperor's Pride marines manning the wire.

And the full 6 piece kit I posted.

So a fella contacted me and wanted to trade, we got to talking and he stated that he had a desert board and wanted to know what other terrain I made.

Here is what he ended up getting:

Desert Terrain + razorwire

This was fun to build and simple design. He did not want the hills based, and he wanted the hills to have the straight-sided step. (Each step is separate, btw, so he can combine in any way he wishes.

He and I are tossing around ideas for some more pieces for his home gaming table, i'll post when I have some more pieces to show.


Hello and welcome to WorldmakerTerrain, I have been making terrain forever. I have only recently started to sell/trade my terrain through tabletop trade sites such as and Rogue Market.

My username on both sites is Da_Todfatha.

I will use this website to post pics of work in progress and ideas development. You can see samples of terrain I have built for myself, customers, or stuff that is currently for sale.

Thanks for stopping by and please comment on any, give ideas of stuff you wish someone would make, ways to improve my terrain, etc.
