Saturday, January 23, 2010

So as I said in my last post I've been working on some alternative Woods. Woods seem to be very scarce in 40K yet look at pictures from every war since the beginning of time, and there is a tree somewhere in the background, go figure.

Anyway, I picture this sort of wood to be found on tables with dwarves, Space Wolves, Chaos Hoards, etc. Tell me what you think!

[You can click on the images for larger pics.]
Two small stands of trees growing out of some rocky ground gives the feel of cover from incoming small arms fire.

Slightly different angle to show the bases for the trees, I used MDF board cut to irregular shape, the rocky out-croppings are pinebark nuggets, I then textured the base with sand and glue. They were painted with basecoated black/brown then drybrushed tan. I used PVA mixed with cornstarch for the snow, I'll need to work out the consistency for that, as it was a little difficult to work with.

My Scouts scouting out a pine forest, it's cold as evidenced by the spotty snow covering the ground in places.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Alternative Terrain

Here's something I'm currently toying around with...

I plan to make a few small stands that can then be placed on felt to stand for a wood, but allow the terrain to be moved around to accomodate models, AND still maintain a clearly defined space via the felt (or cloth or whatever).

I have an idea for icicles too. stay tuned.