Sunday, November 28, 2010

Warhammer Race specific terrain features

So, again, I've been on assignment from the local hobby shop to make warhammer terrain, and the rulebook has specific terrain features that can play a part of warhammer games, proximity to said features have different effects on units, and the game.

Lizardman spawning pool, the poor eggs in the area on the left didn't stand a chance.
Orc totems...if you know anything about me, you know I love orcs for some reason. heheh
Sacrificial altar of the witch elves...
Dwarf Brewhouse with a spill outside, apparently.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Warhammer Shrine/Chapel

Again more terrain features from the new warhammer book. This one is a shrine/chapel of some sort. In the game, being in proximity of these terrain features gives some sort of special condition (good or bad). This is WIP as because its sort of a ruined chapel I'll do some more stuff to it, like vines growing up the side, etc.
Also the statue inside is covered in bird poo. but its hard to see from the pic.

Lizardman Spawning Pool

So, this is a work in progress shot of my lizardman spawning pool. Again the liquidtex found ways out of the containment area, hehe seriously, I guess Im pretty bad sealing up my stuff. Still it does look cool and I plan on putting quite a few plants, grass, etc. around the pool before I call it complete so I left it. the pool on the left obviously became non-viable with the collapse of the wall and the water draining out. Poor little skinks...

Hey, post a comment if you think you know what's inside the spawning pool.

Warhammer Terrain

Here is a Wizard's Tower. My dread is there for scale. heheh Its' big. I looked through the Warhammer rulebook and there are several terrain features that can be represented with the terrain piece. Besides, it looks cool. 'How do you get in?' I hear you say...
Here is the door, in the base of the rocky crag the tower is built upon. If you know my reference material for the door design, you have known me a very long time. It is my college apartment door, it was hideous, and everyone knew which one was our apartment. heh.

BTW, I utilized the Warhammer Manorhouse terrain box and split up the various parts and added elements to make a bunch of terrain, rather than assemble it ad hoc exactly as pictured on the box top.

side view of same piece.

Warhammer terrain

I made the witchelf sacrificial shrine out of Hirst blocks, the large metal spikes are foamcore and card, with platicard rivets. I then filled the center with liquitex colored to resemble blood. i like the liquitex, but you gotta make sure you seal wherever you are putting it, because otherwise it'll leak out, hence the blood on the stairs...of course I like it and left it. (see brewhouse below)

This is another urban renewal project, this poor chaos church was in disrepair and I have based it and repainted it. It looks like you could really get your demon-worship on in there!
Here it is from the front.

Okay so my brewhouse starts off with the 2 Vats along its back wall, then I got it in my head that for some reason they might be sucking up some nasty sludge from a walled pen outside to make their deliciously refreshing elixir. Again, the liquitex found its way outside the containment area, and again I kinda liked it so I went with it. ha ha someone's gonna have a mess to clean up.

40K stuff - bunkers and ruins

I grabbed some beat up terrain from my friend's hobby shop and decided I would breath new life into it. She had a ton of the plastic wall bits from one of the big box sets a couple additions ago. I hacked them up and based them on a cratered base.

Two more cratered ruins for good measure. L-shapes can define an entire ruined building.

I dont know if these are towers or bunkers but they are made from foamcore and cardstock.

I made 3 of them. btw, there isn't a door on the other side so obviously I am not taking the pic from the business side of these fortifications, but the door detail is more interesting than the blank wall side, and I didn't do any battle damage, maybe next set.